The Massy church was founded by the Federation of Evangelical Baptist Churches of France (FEEBF). Every Sunday morning, the church welcomes those in search of light from God, the creator and saviour of the world.


The Federation of Evangelical Baptist Churches of France (FEEBF), in corporation with the Union of Free Evangelical Churches (UEEL) and the Union of Reformed Evangelical Churches (UNEPREF), organises continuing education seminars on the premises.


Groupement FLE (French as a foreign language) is a body of French language schools in France giving quality language classes to students and other interested persons who want to learn French by living in France. This benchmark of quality uses specific criteria, firm commitments and audits, as outlined in a reference document to which all member schools adhere.


The Federation of Evangelical Baptist Churches of France (FEEBF) is an association of evangelical Baptist churches in France. It is a member of the Protestant Federation of France (FPF), the National Council of Evangelicals in France (CNEF) and the Baptist World Alliance.

Connect Missions

The vision of Connect MISSIONS is to participate in spreading the word of God and foster the development of missionary work in the French-speaking world. It partners with a network of evangelical missionary organisations who work together to respond to the spiritual and social needs of all mankind.